It’s time for you
to start feeling like
you again
Welcome!! I’m Gloria, and I’m so glad you’re here!
If you’re looking at my page, that probably means you’ve noticed that you’re not moving as easily as you should, you feel like you’re stuck in fight/flight/freeze, you want to do things but you’ve got pain and or mobility issues slowing you down. You’ve got goals you want to reach, but you’re not able to give it your all! You want to hit your personal best, but there’s something holding you back. Or you feel crummy and are just over it already!!
Well my friend, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got the training (over 40 courses!), over 25 yrs experience, and the ‘outside the box thinking’ to help you get back to feeling like you again AND to help you reach
Let’s get started..
Spinal Flow
Healing is an inside job
While I have taken a lot of courses throughout the years, there are a few that REALLY stand out!! They are thorough and quite complete. Spinal Flow (developed by Dr. Carli Axford) is on the top of the list of those stand out modalities, so I’d like to take the time to highlight it!
The nervous system is a vital system for healing because this is how Life Force Energy travels through the body (some call it Life Force Energy, others call it Nerve Impulses, others call it Chi). Between each vertebrae are little nerves that supply vital signals (energy) to every organ, cell and tissue of your body. Blockages in the spine inhibit the joints, bones, muscle tissue and the nerve supply extending from it. That causes a misalignment in the spine. That misalignment disrupts the flow of life force energy, the flow of cerebral spinal fluid and the signals that pass back and forth, from the brain and body, through the nervous system. Systems and anything that is influenced by those nerves can then under-function.
Spinal Blockages can happen when stress remains unprocessed. We ‘put it in the back of our minds’ to deal with later, or to forget about. Those stressors can be chemical, emotional or physical in nature, and they get stored in our spines as blockages.
The blockage results in symptoms of pain, illness and dis-ease. It is also linked to distress and anxiety.
With the Spinal Flow Technique, we assess the spine for blockages and release stress, layer by layer. We help restore the flow of the life force energy. By increasing Spinal Flow, we tap into your body’s natural ability to heal itself. We are not working in the energy field, we are hands on, working at the neurological level, with a very gentle touch.
The Spinal Flow Technique allows spinal fluid to travel up and down the spine. As blockages are felt, the emotional, chemical and physical blockages can then release, allowing vertebrae to move better and the nerves to be able to function better. When your nerves and nervous system can function better, your body can function better. This is how healing happens!
I have seen some incredible healings as a result of Spinal Flow sessions including:
reduced anxiety
decreased menstruation flow for women
excessive pelvic tilt angles correct (anywhere from 2”-5” anterior pelvic tilt angles correct). This can greatly decrease back pain, improve on sciatic symptoms, help breathing, lymph flow and chronic pelvic floor issues (to name just a few benefits of having a correct pelvic tilt).
considerable improvement in prolapse symptoms
testosterone levels return to normal levels (as proven by lab work)
blood pressure return to normal (as proven by lab and Dr visits)
People feel more like themselves again
People reporting they suddenly have a buffer for life again and don’t feel so stressed out by things that would normally bother them
relief from migraines
relief from nightmares
relief from post concussion syndrome
relief from postpartum symptoms
clearer thinking
natural reflexes wake up allowing the client the freedom to move without thinking about how they’re moving and no longer having to make corrections or adjustments to how they move. The body naturally corrects.
people are trusting their body again!
the list goes on!
If you’re reading this, don’t live anywhere near me, but would love to find someone in your area who is Spinal Flow certified, click the button below to go to the Spinal Flow website. The Practitioner map is there along with any other info you were wondering about the modality.