Reaching out for an Appointment
Initial appointment is 1 hour long. It includes history intake, assessment and treatment. $110
Subsequent sessions are an hour long. An hour gives me a lot of time to treat, assess and re-assess to make sure you’re seeing progress. $110
Spinal Flow sessions:
Initial Session is an hour long. Includes intake and assessment. Correlating findings from your history with the blockages found, plus treatment: $110
Subsequent Spinal Flow sessions are 30 minutes in length. $70
A client is also able to book an hour appointment, first 30 min can be for other modalities, the last 30 min are Spinal Flow. This has been the most popular option. $110
Rates include GST.
“I didn’t think I could make it a whole month without an appointment. But I was able to work, workout, play with my kids and do life again! It feels like I can finally trust my body again”
“Life is worth living again”
“I’ve had way more relief in just 1 session with Gloria than I’ve had with all the other things I’ve tried over the years combined! ”
Studio Policies and Etiquette
Cancellation Policy:
In an effort to provide the highest level of quality service, the studio keeps a select number of appointments available each day, consequently, there is often a wait list. As a courtesy to those clients and the studio, please provide 24-hour notice if you need to reschedule your session. If sufficient notice is not provided, the full session fee will be charged.
If rescheduling, late canceling, or no-showing becomes chronic, you will be asked to surrender your time slot to other clients.
If you’re late for your appointment, you will receive a courtesy call or text. Your appointment will be considered forfeited if you are more than 15 minutes late for a 1 hour appointment, or if you are more than 5 minutes late for a 30 min appointment.
Emergency Cancellation Policy:
To accommodate illness and other emergency situations, each client is granted two “emergency cancellations” per calendar year in which the session fee is waived.
In the event of inclement weather, rescheduling sessions will not be counted as an “emergency cancellation” as the highest priority is your safety!
Illness and or Sickness:
If you have symptoms or are sick the morning of your appointment, PLEASE reach out to me as soon as possible so we can rebook! As a courtesy to myself, clients coming in after you, and as well as to my family, please call and rebook if you are symptomatic or could be contagious. The ripple effect of a client coming in sick can be huge and costly. Don’t come to the studio if you’re sick!
If I wake up the morning of your appointment and I’m feeling unwell, I will contact you as soon as possible so we can re-schedule.